Simple and easy are not the same thing. One of them will move you forward in your business and one of them will hold you back.
Simple is about the steps you take to untangle the complexities of the journey. Simple is about looking for the most efficient & effective way to get to where you want to go.
Easy is about you and how much effort you are willing to expend to take those steps. It’s about taking action on the things that need to be done in your business.
Simple will move you forward because it’s about what things will look like in the future.
Easy will hold you back because it’s a waste of time to expect or wish for easy.
I find business owners (myself included sometimes) get inadvertently caught in the Easy trap when we say things like:
“I wish I didn’t have to do all of this”
“Can’t I just skip this stuff and do what I really want to do?”
“I don’t feel like doing this”
“No one told me it would be this hard”
That last one in particular because chances are a marketing messaging somewhere along the way sold you on “it can be easy”, setting up some skewed expectations.
For example many of the client’s I’ve worked with assumed hiring a team to get stuff done in their business would magically make things easy. And then they learned there is nothing easy about managing & leading a team (even a great team).
Building a business is not meant to be easy. And in my experience the entrepreneurs who have accepted and embraced that eventually find themselves in a place of flow where the Simple starts to become clear and priorities begin to move forward. Which strangely makes the whole thing feel easier… how’s that for a paradox?
Where are you holding yourself back wishing things would be easier?
I’m extending a loving challenge this week to embrace 1) that things will be hard and 2) that you don’t have to do it all alone.
My role on the teams I work with is to ensure we stay focused on the forward momentum of Simple. Let’s unpack this further for your business, shall we?
If you would like to have a virtual coffee with me and talk about how I can help you simplify your business, click here https://calendly.com/beautify_your_business/30min
Cheering you on,
Anna Papadopoulou
Certified Online Business Manager